By bringing up blacks and lowering the whites, you can achieve the same faded, flat look that’s common in vintage photo prints. You can use this photo editor for free without making a user account if you don't mind the ads, or you can go with a premium account to remove all advertising and get more "undo" steps. Lessen, or flatten out, the contrast in your image by creating a new Image Adjustment Layer and opening the Levels tool. Photopea organizes your various projects into separate tabs for easy access, and you can change the theme to quickly adjust the overall color scheme. Their Peadrive storage service lets you take your files anywhere you log in. When you're done editing, photos can be saved to a variety of formats including PSD, PNG, JPG, SVG, GIF, PDF, TIFF, PPM, ICO, and others. Photos can be imported from a URL, from a file on your computer, or taken straight from your webcam. There's a selection tool, move tool, spot healing brush, patch tool, pencil, brush, clone tool, gradient tool, sharpen tool, blur tool, smudge tool, text tool, various shapes, filters, and more.

You can start from scratch with a canvas of a custom size, or choose one that works perfectly for a variety of circumstances, like as a Facebook cover photo, Instagram image, iPhone wallpaper, an ad, or YouTube profile image. Apple MacBook Pro 16 Fast, high-quality, and consistent the best option for photo editing. Photopea is great if you're looking for an advanced online photo editor that lets you work with layers, supports popular file formats, and includes many Photoshop-like tools. Best laptops for photo editing (Image credit: Future) 1.